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Katherine Cadin Art

Painting-Caribbean Spiny Lobster

Painting-Caribbean Spiny Lobster

This painting was inspired by the lobsters I came across when I visited the Caribbean. Caribbean spiny lobsters have forward-pointing spines that cover their bodies to help protect them from predators. They have a reddish-brown shell, marked with occasional dark spots. They have long, horn-like antennae over their eyes that they wave to scare off predators, and smaller antennae-like “antennules” that sense movement and detect chemicals in the water. Unlike the Atlantic lobster, they lack large front claws. The paint is layered so the surface is very tactile, and you can almost “feel’ the spines. This is painted in acrylic on canvas board, and is complimented by a simple light wood frame.

It measures 32cm x 32cm


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