Finalist in CCA Galleries Summer Exhibition 2024

This July my painting “Floating at high tide” was selected for the Summer Exhibition at CCA Galleries International at Hill Street in St Helier, Jersey. The exhibition is modelled on the annual Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. The works selected undergo 2 judging processes by professional artists who this year included Tom Hammock, Ben Johnson, and […]
“Playful” An Art exhibition at Jersey Arts Centre

I was commissioned by the Jersey Arts Centre to participate in a time constrained exhibition for the start of Jersey’s first ever Children’s Festival in July 2024. Along with 3 other artists, we were allocated 40 hours to create a mural covering the Berni Gallery walls on the theme of “Playful”, a celebration of childhood […]
Puffling sold at auction for £21,000

It was wonderful to have my design selected to take part in the Tortoise takeover public art trail in Jersey this summer. My design was called “Puffling”, the name for a baby Puffin, and I was so delighted it raised £21, 000 at the auction for the charity! Puffins are iconic in Jersey, the tiny […]
Artist focus at Atlantic Hotel Jersey

My work was showcased this summer at the Atlantic Hotel for their guests and visitors to see. This was arranged by The Trading Point in St Lawrence, a lovely renovated Victorian shop where my work is also for sale.
Watch: “Puffling” selected for the Tortoise Takeover Art trail

Thank you to Genuine Jersey for making this little video where I explain why, and how, I chose my design for the Tortoise Takeover public art train to raise money for the Durrell Wildlife conservation charity.